I woke up this morning feeling so GRATEFUL. I slept really well after a very rough 2 weeks with our handicapped daughter. I get so stressed out over her health. The last few days have shown signs of improvement and she woke up happy this morning. My fingers are crossed that we'll have some good days ahead of us. Caring for someone is exhausting no matter how much you love them. WOW. I didn't mean to start this post off so solemn! As I was typing this I was also listening to Marc Broussard's song "LUCKY". In this song he repeats the word GRATEFUL and it just seemed so fitting to start my post out this way.
I am GRATEFUL for those of you who think enough of me to follow along on my 'artsy' ramblings!
My art is an outlet for me and I'm GRATEFUL for gifts bestowed upon me. I'm also GRATEFUL for the opportunities to share with you and the ability to do as many Giveaways as I do. I love to give to others; it brings a great satisfaction to me to make others happy. I should've been Santa Claus!
WINNERS of the 2 little Rabbit Planters are:
Valerie of Yorkies Primitives
Susan @ Glen Oaks Primitives
The WINNER of Mr. Big's cousin whom I've named Harley goes to:
Sandi @ The Primitive Skate
The name Harley or Harleigh is Old English and means "from the hare meadow". Wendy and Deb R. helped me out on this one and I just love it! Of course, Sandi you can name your Harley whatever you'd like. He is a design from the talented Susan Jill Hall.
Okay ladies, you know how to do this! Send me your addresses to Vicweave@aol.com and I'll get these all out on Monday so you can have them for Easter!
Again, I'm GRATEFUL for your following and the friends I've made through cyber space. You all make my day! I hope you find something to be GRATEFUL for today. Life itself should be reason enough!